If you’re getting a windshield replacement soon, understanding proper post-replacement auto glass care is imperative. What you do (or don’t do) during the 24-48 hours after you get a new windshield will dictate how well the new glass adheres to your vehicle and how long it lasts.


Most importantly, the way you care for your new windshield will determine whether it’s able to keep you and your passengers safe on the road. Read on to learn what you must do after a windshield replacement to take excellent care of your auto glass.


Wait a Minimum of One Hour to Drive Your Vehicle

After your windshield replacement is complete, you can’t just hop in your vehicle and drive away. The new windshield seal needs some time to begin setting, and driving generates vibrations that can interfere with that process.


Most auto glass repair specialists recommend waiting a minimum of one hour before you drive your vehicle again, but that timeframe can vary. Standard driveaway times typically range from 30-75 minutes, but some new windshields require up to 24 hours to dry.


When you take your vehicle to the shop, your repair specialist will let you know the recommended timeframe you should wait. It’s in your best interest to follow those instructions.


Avoid Stressing the Glass or New Seal

When you get a windshield replacement, there are things that can interfere with the adhesive’s ability to set and therefore, the glass’s ability to seal to the frame of your vehicle. To ensure your windshield seals properly, avoid the following stressors to the best of your ability:


●        Resting things against the glass. Avoid placing anything on the dash of your vehicle or over top of the new glass for about two days after your windshield replacement. Any amount of pressure against the glass can interfere with the new seal’s ability to cure properly.


●        Using high-pressure car washes. Taking your vehicle through a car wash or using a pressure washer at home can damage the new molding around the glass. Ideally, you should avoid washing your vehicle for at least 48 hours after you get a new windshield, but if you must, hand wash the whole thing and use a regular garden hose to rinse.


●        Extreme temperatures. Extremely hot or cold temperatures can interfere with the adhesive’s ability to set. If possible, try to keep your vehicle in a garage or covered area that helps minimize exposure to extreme temperatures.


●        Driving on bumpy roads. Excessive road vibrations can interfere with the new windshield’s ability to set inside the frame. Try to avoid driving on gravel roads for a couple of days after your windshield replacement, if possible. If you must drive on bumpy roadways, go as slow as you reasonably can.


●        Driving with all the windows rolled up. Leaving your windows open just a crack will decrease air pressure in the cabin of your vehicle, which helps the new windshield seal and set. You should only need to keep the windows cracked for a day or two.


After the first 48 hours, you can treat your vehicle as you normally would. But make sure you follow our auto glass maintenance tips to keep your windshield in excellent condition long term!


Shut the Doors Very Carefully

Whatever you do, do not slam your vehicle’s doors after you get a windshield replacement! Every time you enter or exit the vehicle for the first 48 hours, close the doors carefully and with as little force as possible.


For the first two days after the windshield is installed the seal and molding around the glass are still in the process of setting. When you slam the doors, you generate considerable vibration and force which can negatively affect the curing process.


Do Not Remove the Retention Tape

When you get your vehicle back with the new windshield, you’ll see some tape around the glass — do not take it off! That tape is designed to prevent debris from getting into the area around the new adhesive and molding. If sand, dirt, or any other type of debris gets in there, it can compromise the integrity of the new seal, which can put you and your passengers at risk.


If you notice any of these post-replacement auto glass warning signs, take your vehicle to a reputable auto glass repair shop (Centennial Glass is an excellent choice!) immediately.


Need a Windshield Replacement Estimate in the Twin Cities?

If you’re in the market for a new windshield, get in touch with our team at Centennial Glass in Blaine! We specialize in auto glass replacement and repair for all makes and models of vehicles and have proudly served Twin Cities drivers for over 25 years. Check out our reviews to see what our customers have to say about our work!


To schedule an appointment or request an estimate, give us a call today at 651-653-1777 or contact us online, and we’ll be in touch.